This family of four headed out to a remote spot near Yellow Belly Lake outside of Stanley in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho for a friend’s 40th birthday. They ended up having a total of 5 families, 22 people and 3 dogs on the last night (birthday party), but the first two nights, it was just them and one other family.
“We left from Eagle, Idaho headed toward Stanley, ID and then from there just started exploring via the onX app and found our way thru some fun dirt roads to a spot along an Alturas Lake Creek offshoot and a beautiful spot under the trees for a couple rigs. #yota #ToyotaTundraTRDPro Having spent a lot of time outdoors, and with varying forms of a homebase, we were super stoked on the OPUS and the comfort and quality of features it offered us. #YellowBellyLake #Sawtooth Mountains #Idaho
This first trip in our OP4 presented us with a hail storm and heaps of rain on our first day, followed by 80 degree beautiful weather the next 3 days. #hailstormcamping Hiking to alpine lakes with nobody around and fly fishing on the Salmon river along with cooking some legit meals with friends made for a great time. Can’t wait to see all the off-grid places we can find towing our OPUS and embracing our adventurous spirit in pursuit of ALL RAD DAYS!! #salmonriver #offgridcamping #alpinelakes – Mark Frock – @captain_oneeye
Check out ALL RAD DAYS: Just trying to spread the stoke of adventure and inspire people to get out and explore. Use coupon code OPUSRAD and get 40% off anything from
If you’re wondering…
How did the OPUS do in such extreme weather? “The Opus did just as expected…AMAZING! Not a single drop of water inside the rig and plenty warm and cozy when the temperatures dropped to 30 degrees at night.”
Thank you All Rad Days! @atypql